
Let's get this straight, right off the bat: I am an utter Bleach fangirl.  I have been for years, and I don't see an end to it anytime soon.  I am also highly obsessive, and in the process of learning Japanese.  And so, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to make use of my Fangirl Powers and memorize the songs of Bleach.

I soon learned that this was easier said than done.

Many of the Bleach songs have lyrics, in romaji and kanji, readily available online.  Some of them even have translations.  But for the vast majority, all I could find was some badly transcripted pseudo-romaji, and maybe a scan of the lyric sheet if I was really lucky.

And so, obsessive as I am, I decided to do something about it.

In this site, I am compiling every Bleach song currently in existence: kanji, romaji, and translations.  Where translations were unavailable, I  am doing them myself; if you see any mistakes in them, please kindly e-mail me at rukia(dot)neesan(at)yahoo(dot)com and let me know.

I hope you enjoy the site.
